
Twilight Doula Services, LLC is a practicing group of Certified End-of-Life Doulas (CEOLDs), Anam Áire, Death Midwives, or Thanadoulas.  We also offer non-medical elder care consultation for families, home funeral or hybrid funeral guidance, green funeral guidance for clients and funeral professionals, even Döstädning plans (the art and practice of Swedish “death cleaning”).  Our doulas believe, wholeheartedly, that education and empowerment lead to a more personalized, fulfilling, daily experience–the highest quality of each remaining day–as our clients and their loved ones arrive and move through each end-of-life phase together. 

An End-of-Life (EOL) Doula is a non-medical professional that provides physical, emotional, and spiritual support to the patient, family, loved ones, friends, and their support networks.  An EOL Doula assists the family with understanding the natural process while providing suggestions for comfort and support.  This holistic support for the dying and their loved ones will occur before, during, and after death.

Every patient and family served is unique and services will be tailored to their individual needs.

The goal of an EOL Doula is to collaborate with hospice, palliative team, and other healthcare professionals to create a dynamic support system ensuring the highest quality of life for a patients end-of-life care.  Referrals to appropriate professional and community resources will be made as needed for services that are outside of the EOL Doula scope of practice.

An EOL Doula will provide education regarding the end-of-life processes and options available so that patients and families can make informed decisions about their care.  An EOL doula is not a medical provider and as such any information or advice given should be viewed in that light.

Founded in 2020

Profile 102020During her 20+ year career as a companion animal caregiver, veterinary business manager,  and environmental advocate, Molly Welch learned that love and light comes in many many forms.  In her personal life, Molly Welch (and her late husband Kim Welch), worked together to advocate, empower, and guide several friends and family members as they transitioned through death, and their loved ones during their grief journey and through death care.  Molly and Kim enjoyed 16 years of marriage before Kim’s sudden, unexpected death in 2020.  Molly shared many experiences working parallel to and within various medical and nursing care environments with Kim, and continues a tradition of great mutual respect for medical professionals.  Hospice workers, volunteers, and palliative medical professionals dedicate their lives to performing ex

cellent hands on care for patients and families.   However, like birth itself, we at Twilight Doula Services do not view death as a strictly medical event.  The whole person, in the great transition from life, to end-of-life, to death from this world, deserves holistic and full care–mental/emotional wellness, spiritual care, and physical comfort.   Families and clients with life limiting conditions often need more help navigating point of death care through doula services.  A doula is a trained companion who is not a healthcare professional and who supports another individual through a significant health-related experience, such as birth, or non-reproductive experiences such as dying. In the Spring of 2020, Molly Welch was introduced to the International Doulagivers Institute and the Doulagivers EOLD Certification program and began the Spring/Summer 2020 Doulagivers Specialist training.  Doulagivers are dedicated to educating, supporting, and caring for patients and their families during the last phase of life offering three (3) specialized areas of training: Doulagivers Certified End-of-Life Doula, Doulagivers Care Consultant, and
Doulagivers Eldercare Doulas.  A Doulagivers End-of-Life Doula is a non-medical professional that is trained to provide holistic care (physically, emotionally, and spiritually) to an individual and their family throughout the various end of life stages.  In late summer 2020 Molly aided a friend who had Aplastic Thyroid Cancer during her transition, served as her own Grief

Doula when her husband died suddenly during the COVID-19 pandemic, achieved certification as an End-of-Life Doula, and passed the National End of Life Doula Alliance’s proficiency exam.   

Molly continued to follow her own educational plan to offer a wide swath of end-of-life guidance in our area.  In Autumn 2020, Molly Welch raised funding for tuition to attend the Mid-America College of Funeral Service’s GBC310 course in Green Funeral Service, and studied the materials provided by the National Home Funeral Alliance.  Molly voluntarily joined “The Order of the Good Death” in November 2020.  She was awarded the Green Funeral Service Proficiency Badge, and earned the NHFA (National Home Funeral Alliance) Proficiency badge for Home Funeral Guides in December 2020 and February 2021, respectively.  It is her goal to advocate on behalf of a diverse group people in her community and to empower them (should they wish to be) to be involved in care for their own dead.  Molly believes that the laws and norms that govern death, dying and end-of-life care should ensure that a person’s wishes are honored, regardless of age, sexual, gender, racial or religious identity.  She a

lso believes that her own death should be handled in a way that does not do great harm to the environment, and hopes to help those clients who seek the same after care.

Molly started Twilight Doula Services, LLC in Southwestern Indiana in August 2020 and envisions reaching clients and families through many doula packages that will meet their personal needs/wishes and it is her hope to train other local doulas to expand that reach in the next few years.  Check out our services pages for more information, or call or contact us (812.484.8342) to schedule an initial tele-doula consult.  The first 45-60min consult where we get to know each other is free of charge–we can discuss affordable doula service packages and answer any questions at that time or during a follow up email.

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